SoXRa, s.r.o., Dôstojnický Pavilon, Pevnostný rad 3, Komárno, Tel. +421 / 35 / 771 45 60, 61
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Panoramic X-Ray

A panoramic radiograph is a panoramic scanning dental X-ray of the upper and lower jaw. It shows a two-dimensional view of a half-circle from ear to ear. Panoramic radiography is a form of tomography; thus, images of multiple planes are taken to make up the composite panoramic image, where the maxilla and mandible are in the focal trough and the structures that are superficial and deep to the trough are blurred.
    Mailing Adress: SoXRa, s.r.o., Krivá 4, Post-office box 78, 94501 Komárno, Slovakia, E-mail: