SoXRa, s.r.o., Dôstojnický Pavilon, Pevnostný rad 3, Komárno, Tel. +421 / 35 / 771 45 60, 61
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Digital X-Ray


The X-ray picture comes into being through X-rays (electromagnetic waves). The traditional X-ray recording is used as a means to see the lungs, the heart and the skeleton.


This examination method is to service the valuation of the functioning of the lung and heart  and the condition of the ribs and chest pellicle.For examlpe we can show pneumonia,lung tumor,abnormal functioning of the heart, blood clot etc.

The extent of the examination does not exceed one hour and it does not require any kind of preparation on behalf of the patient. On pregnant women X-ray examinations can only be done in exceptional cases,which are very much justifiable!


This examination method is the appraisal method of the bones, joints which is suitable for the diagnostics of broken bones, inflamed bones, or tumors. Frequently it is used for the goal of achieving the healing process.

The extent of the examination does not exceed one hour and it does not reguire any kind of preparation on behalf of the patient. On pregnant women X-ray examinations can only be done in exceptional cases,which are very much justifiable!

    Mailing Adress: SoXRa, s.r.o., Krivá 4, Post-office box 78, 94501 Komárno, Slovakia, E-mail: